Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tommy Candra

Step by Step Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Step by Step Keep Your Kitchen Clean
Step by Step Keep Your Kitchen Clean
In maintaining the cleanliness of the kitchen , there are various ways you can do . One is always clean when you're done cooking . Here are tips for how to keep clean with a nice kitchen .
  • Furniture kitchen , if you have a refrigerator clean it thoroughly . Clean from the front , left side right side , and top. Trim also items in the refrigerator , so that the place used more efficiently and can be used where other goods . Similarly if you have a microwave, toaster, and your stove, clearance like when you clean out the fridge.
  • Wardrobe cabinet and storage cabinet plate , usually the bottom of the closet is a place that is not visible . Let's not forget this one spot . In addition, in order to clean the inside free of dust .
  • Counter accessories , clean the place by spraying cleaning fluid .
  • The chair and table , dining chairs and tables covering moved first so when you clean , you can clean it thoroughly . Even up from places that are not visible

That way , your kitchen will look neater and cleaner